


Our Organization

The Association for the Dangerous Dogs (aka:Yuval4pit), is a nonprofit organization for the rescue and rehabilitation of fighting dogs and dogs of dangerous breeds, was established by Yuval for the purpose of saving and rehabilitating dangerously aggressive dogs. Yuval is rescuing fighting dogs and abandoned and neglected dogs from any place they are found, all over Israel including the Palestinian areas (Occupied Territories).

Yuval, with his love for dogs and with his unique gift for connecting with them all, in addition to the special skills he developed through many years of experience, is working wonders with the mal-treated animals. With kindness and patience, Yuval is teaching the dogs to renew their faith in human beings, so that many of them become eligible for adoption and they leave the farm to start new lives in new homes with good families. This is the only such organization in Israel. The activities include rescuing and saving dogs from illegal and cruel fights, quarantines, abusive situations and neglectful owners and homes. Those dogs that cannot be offered for adoption because of their difficulty to overcome the traumas and the aggressive training they were put trough in their past, stay with Yuval on the rehabilitation farm for good,  thus allowed to age peacefully for the rest of their life.

The rescue and rehabilitation activities are accompanied by various social projects and educational programs in schools, in order to promote tolerance and compassion towards animals. Yuval is collaborating with the army, the police and other agencies without any monetary compensation. Unlike other animal rescue organizations, Yuval4Pit is not financed by the government and is not eligible for any other public financial support. Therefore, the survival and continuing success of Yuval’s mission depends on donations. Yuval is doing everything he can to collect financial contributions, building materials, food, medicine and medical treatments for the “children”, as he refers to the dogs in the rehabilitation haven.

Soon after the horrible incident of the little girl and the family dog, Yuval met Vered Shapira, who in those days was an animal activiest and also rescuing dogs.

Yuval met Vered Shapira on the street, while she was walking her huge and scary, fierce looking Pitbull, and the two became friends.

She asked Yuval if he could provide a temporary home for one single homeless dog. Yuval, without thinking twice, said yes, not knowing that his life was about to change; the next day Vered brought him Puma, a fighting dog from Yafo, and two weeks later there were already some forty dogs on the rooftop  terrace. Yuval built doghouses made of scraps that he found and the terrace turned into the first rehabilitation sanctuary for the rescued dangerous dogs.

Since then, Yuval himself started rescuing fighting dogs, implementing skills he acquired as an undercover policeman; he started gathering intelligence for locating dogfight sites in Yafo and in villages in the north of Israel. The rescued dogs were gathered by Yuval and housed, healed, rehabilitated and cared for in the makeshift shelters he provided.

How it all started

In 2004, a four year old girl was attacked and killed by the Amstaf family dog. The tragic death was followed by a public uproar, and swift legislation of regulations of owning and keeping dogs of aggressive breeds. In the media, the poster picture of this law showed a vicious face of a “killer dog”. No one had mentioned that the naturally innocent dogs were raised and trained by vicious human beings, using extremely cruel measures, in order to turn them into fighters and killers.

Through the years, Yuval and his many dogs had to move from one place to another, camping in open fields, abandoned houses, often sleeping with no roof over their heads, battling the elements, the authorities and especially the criminals who operate dogfights.

After the long journey of wandering without a permanent place to stay, building and dismantling fences, shacks, and doghouses, Yuval got a donation of  a lage agricultural area in the hills of the Western Galilee, and there he started building what will eventually be the largest rehabilitation farm for the “dangerous” dog breeds the Ariel Farm.

About Yuval Mendelovitz

Yuval was born on July 4th 1978, theyoungest child in the Mendelovitz family. In November 1996 his dream of serving in a meaningful position in the military came true, he joined the Golani brigade in the IDF as a fighter. Several years later, he enlisted with the police and served as an undercover policeman for three years. After successfully completing his police assignment, Yuval and his Pitbull Dio moved to a large apartment, with a wide open rooftop terrace, in the Florentin neighborhood in Tel Aviv. Already then Yuval felt that the large terrace had a purpose.

The Ariel rehabilitation farm

The Ariel rehabilitation farm, named after Yuval only daughter, accepts on a daily basis dogs of various backgrounds, mostly dogs on the dangerous breeds list. The dogs arrive at the farm after serving as fighting dogs in illegal dogfights, dogs from public quarantines, abandoned and stray dogs and dogs in poor medical conditions, often starved, dehydrated, mauled and badly injured. No dog is turned away though the veterinary medical expenses are very high.

After the long journey of wandering without a permanent place to stay, building and dismantling fences, shacks, and doghouses, Yuval got a donation of  a lage agricultural area in the hills of the Western Galilee, and there he started building what will eventually be the largest rehabilitation farm for the “dangerous” dog breeds the Ariel Farm.

The farm is home to three large dog packs. In addition, there are large and spacious individual doghouses for dogs that do not get along with other dogs.

The packs have a cardinal role in welcoming and rehabilitating the dogs. The interaction among the dogs enables them to learn new behaviors and renew their trust in their environment, all of which helps them get ready for adoption. The dogs are assigned to the packs according to their level of energy and their stage of readiness to go to new homes.

The farm is a forever home for those dogs that cannot be fully rehabilitated, due to the horrors they went through in their past, and so they are given the best environment and conditions and stay on the farm until the last day of their life.


Dangerous dog legislation

Breed-specific legislation is a type of “dangerous dog” law. It is defined as any ordinance or policy that pertains to a specific dog breed or several breeds but does not affect any others. Proponents of breed-specific laws seek to limit public exposure to well-documented dangerous dog breeds by regulating the ownership of those dogs. The objective of breed-specific legislation, which primarily targets pitbulls and their derivatives, is to prevent severe and fatal attacks before they occur.

In Israel, the law targets eight specific breeds of dogs: Bull Terrier, American Pitbull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (English staff), Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese Tosa, Rottweiler and American Staffordshire (Amstaff). The law places stricter regulations on these dogs, their handling, ownership and importation, or even makes owning them illegal.

The law defines as dangerous all dogs that are on the dangerous breeds list, and hybrids of any such dogs, or dogs that have similar behavior patterns and physical resemblance to dogs on the dangerous breeds list.

הצטרפו לניוזלטר החודשי, קבלו מאתנו כל חודש במייל, עדכונים על הנעשה בחווה.

כל הנרשם מקבל גם קוד קופון של 12% הנחה לרכישה ברשת חנויות זו-ארץ זו.

להרשמה לחצו כאן

יצירת קשר בחירום

במקרים דחופים בלבד של כלבים בסכנה חייגו אלינו.

לא לשלוח הודעות למספר זה, אנחנו לא נראה אותם.

שימוש במספר זה שלא לצורך מקרים דחופים יביא לחסימת המתקשר. 

שאלון אימוץ

מצטערים לא ניתן לאמץ מתחת לגיל 26

דילוג לתוכן